1965 generation

What Generation Is 1965?

If you were born in 1965, then you are a member of Generation X. Sometimes it is called Gen X or Xers for short. This generation had no defining moment in history that could be used to name the generation after. That is one of the reasons why X was chosen as a symbol for it. In algebra X is used to represent an undefined value.

Look at our in-depth review to find out more about Generation X.

Popular Names of Xers Born In 1965
Data Source: ssa.gov
RankMale nameFemale name
1Michael (4.28%)Lisa (3.3%)
2John (3.78%)Mary (1.88%)
3David (3.58%)Karen (1.8%)
4James (3.57%)Kimberly (1.58%)
5Robert (3.33%)Susan (1.44%)

Famous Generation X Members Born In 1965

  1. ROBERT DOWNEY JR., Movie Actor
    Born on the 4th of April, 1965 (Aries) in New York City, NY.
  2. THE UNDERTAKER, Wrestler
    Born on the 24th of March, 1965 (Aries) in Houston, TX.
  3. J.K. ROWLING, Young Adult Author
    Born on the 31st of July, 1965 (Leo) in England.
  4. SHAH RUKH KHAN, Movie Actor
    Born on the 2nd of November, 1965 (Scorpio) in New Delhi, India.
  5. DR. DRE, Rapper
    Born on the 18th of February, 1965 (Aquarius) in Compton, CA.
  6. JILL VERTES, Reality Star
    Born on the 15th of August, 1965 (Leo) in Pennsylvania.
  7. SALMAN KHAN, Movie Actor
    Born on the 27th of December, 1965 (Capricorn) in Indore, India.
Born in 1965? Tell your friends that you are a proud Gen X member!