1986 generation

What Generation Is 1986?

If you were born in 1986, you are a part of Generation Y or Gen Y for short. Members of this generation are commonly called Millennials. They are called like this because the first representatives became adults around the beginning of the new millennium. Echo Boomers is another name used for Gen Y because most Millennials are offsprings of Baby Boomers.

Check out our comprehensive article if you want to learn more about Millennials.

Common Names of Millennials Born In 1986
Data Source: ssa.gov
RankMale nameFemale name
1Michael (3.34%)Jessica (2.85%)
2Christopher (2.95%)Ashley (2.69%)
3Matthew (2.44%)Amanda (2.2%)
4Joshua (1.95%)Jennifer (1.96%)
5David (1.93%)Sarah (1.53%)

Famous Millennials Born In 1986

  1. DRAKE, Rapper
    Born on the 24th of October, 1986 (Scorpio) in Toronto, Canada.
    Born on the 21st of November, 1986 (Scorpio) in Santa Barbara, CA.
  3. LADY GAGA, Pop Singer
    Born on the 28th of March, 1986 (Aries) in New York City, NY.
  4. WENGIE, YouTube Star
    Born on the 9th of January, 1986 (Capricorn) in Guangzhou, China.
  5. JENNA MARBLES, YouTube Star
    Born on the 15th of September, 1986 (Virgo) in Rochester, NY.
  6. JOSH PECK, TV Actor
    Born on the 10th of November, 1986 (Scorpio) in New York City, NY.
  7. VY QWAINT, YouTube Star
    Born on the 3rd of January, 1986 (Capricorn) in Vietnam.
Were you born in 1986? Tell your friends that you are a proud Millennial!