2008 generation

What Generation Is 2008?

If you were born in 2008, you are part of Generation Z or Gen Z for short. Sometimes people in this generation are called Zoomers. This name got popular because of the Zoomer Wojak meme. It plays on the short name for the Baby Boomer generation — Boomers. The letter Z was picked for the official name of the generation as it follows generations X an Y.

Take a look at our full article if you are curious about Zoomers.

Common Names of Zoomers Born In 2008
Data Source: ssa.gov
RankMale nameFemale name
1Jacob (1.04%)Emma (0.9%)
2Michael (0.95%)Isabella (0.89%)
3Ethan (0.93%)Emily (0.84%)
4Joshua (0.88%)Olivia (0.82%)
5Daniel (0.87%)Ava (0.82%)

Famous Generation Z People Born In 2008

  1. HAYLEY LEBLANC, YouTube Star
    Born on the 2nd of September, 2008 (Virgo) in Katy, TX.
  2. COCO QUINN, Dancer
    Born on the 7th of June, 2008 (Gemini) in California.
  3. RONALDOMG, YouTube Star
    Born on the 3rd of September, 2008 (Virgo) in Canada.
    Born on the 23rd of June, 2008 (Cancer) in North Carolina.
  5. MIA TALERICO, TV Actress
    Born on the 17th of September, 2008 (Virgo) in Santa Barbara, CA.
  6. JILLIANTUBEHD, YouTube Star
    Born on the 3rd of October, 2008 (Libra) in Pennsylvania.
  7. YAYA PANTON, YouTube Star
    Born on the 3rd of June, 2008 (Gemini) in United States.
Were you born in 2008? Tell your friends that you are a proud Zoomer!