1966 generation

What Generation Is 1966?

If you were born in 1966, then you are a member of Generation X. Sometimes it is called Gen X or Xers for short. This generation had no defining moment in history that could be used to name the generation after. That is one of the reasons why X was chosen as a symbol for it. In algebra X is used to represent an undefined value.

Look at our in-depth review to find out more about Generation X.

Popular Names of Xers Born In 1966
Data Source: ssa.gov
RankMale nameFemale name
1Michael (4.4%)Lisa (3.24%)
2David (3.65%)Kimberly (1.84%)
3James (3.59%)Mary (1.65%)
4John (3.58%)Michelle (1.55%)
5Robert (3.26%)Karen (1.45%)

Famous Generation X Members Born In 1966

  1. ABBY LEE MILLER, Reality Star
    Born on the 21st of September, 1966 (Virgo) in Miami, FL.
  2. ADAM SANDLER, Movie Actor
    Born on the 9th of September, 1966 (Virgo) in Brooklyn, NY.
    Born on the 8th of November, 1966 (Scorpio) in Scotland.
  4. LUKE PERRY, TV Actor
    Born on the 11th of October, 1966 (Libra) in Mansfield, OH. Died on the 4th of March, 2019, at the age of 52.
  5. JANET JACKSON, Pop Singer
    Born on the 16th of May, 1966 (Taurus) in Gary, IN.
    Born on the 13th of January, 1966 (Capricorn) in Lewiston, ME.
  7. JORDAN MATTER, Photographer
    Born on the 6th of October, 1966 (Libra) in New York City, NY.
Born in 1966? Tell your friends that you are a proud Gen X member!